Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Hey guys,

McKenna here, and today I'm going to talk about my Christmas.

So, for Christmas, I got a sweater and....My loft bed! The best gift ever! I like the sweater though, too. I am so happy I got my Loft bed! Mia says now I'll never leave home--I have gymnastics equipment, and my awesome loft bed! But don't worry, I will leave home! I have Gymnastics four times a week, and I have to go to school. The only thing I don't like about this Christmas is we didn't have a white one : (. Back In Seattle, we used to have snow--or at least some years. This year, all we had was heavy rain : \. It only snows in the mountains, and we don't live in the mountains. But, today wasn't a very good day....First, it started when I woke up at 9:00. Late to breakfast. Then, I had to settle with half a bagel for breakfast--not a very good Gymnast meal. Then, I went to my closet, only to find out that all my clothes were dirty, so I had to wear dirty clothes. After I got dressed, I headed back up to my room (I don't share my room anymore! All to myself! : D). Then at exactly the time that my four-hour Gymnastics practice starts, Cooper (my dog) starts whining to go on a walk! Then, he makes me TWENTY MINUTES late for practice! Then, I just get worse at my back handspring dismount on Beam! And Beam is my best--and favorite!--event! And....I retire from being Girl of the year NEXT WEEK! I hope tomorrow isn't so bad. Ohhh...And I forgot something! So, you remember Gwen, my cousin, from the Halloween post, right? Well, anyway, I needed to wash my hamsters cage, and I asked Gwen to hold Polka-dt (my hamster) while I was cleaning her cage. So, Gwen thought my loft bed was awesome! So she took Polka-dot up to my bed. What Gwen and I didn't notice 'til I came up after Gymnastics to read, was Polka-dot hap spread hamster poop all over my bed! So now I will be getting to bed late because Polka-dot spread her poop all over my bed : \. So today really was not at all my best day! xD



  1. whoooaaa!! that's a lot! four hour gymnsatics practice? holy cow mckenna! i bet you have like two minutes a week of free time!! lol!

    -kara =)

    1. Yup...Actually, Kara, I have about the weekend to relax. Every other day though, monday through friday, I have gymnastics for four hours each one of those days. On Saturday and Sunday, I can sit back and relax--for most of the time. ; )


    2. I forgot to add, in case you cant tell, my life is suuuuper busy! xD. I don't mean that in the mean kind-of way. : )


    3. oh...i didn't know that =)! oohhhh...nooo....don't worry, i can totally tell that! LOL!


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