Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hamster troubles ^.^

Hey Guys,

It's McKenna here, just sharing with you some...well..."Hamster Troubles"...

It all started yesterday afternoon, when I needed to wash my hamster's cage, and Saige asked if she could watch my hamster while I washed the cage. I agreed. That was not my smartest idea ^.^ .
Yup, I know what your thinking, "trouble". And why yes, if you were thinking that, you were correct! But I doubt you were. Haha.
This post seems more like a story....Well, I have to submit it to Mia's school too, that's why it is more "proper" than usual xD. Anyway, on with the story!!
Well, I went on with washing the hamster cage, not very exciting....
Then, I heard Saige scream a tiny bit. Saige never screams. I knew this was a big deal. I ran over to Saige's bedroom, and I saw her with a trail of hamster poop on her, and no hamster. Saige told me that my hamster ran away while Saige was listening to Taylor Swift...way to go, Saige. Hehehe. Although, I do love Taylor Swift...
After learning my Hamster (Polka-Dot) was lost, I decided to get on my computer and make "LOST HAMSTER!" signs for my neighborhood. Just in case she got out of the house. Here is how they turned out:
How do you think it turned out? I think it looks pretty good. My hamster is still nowhere to be found. By the way, credit to Google images for the picture of Polka-Dot, I couldn't find one of my own pictures of her. So I used one from Google. After all, Polka-Dot does look exactly the same as that hamster. It's kind of creepy O.O. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story/post, and remember to look out for Polka-Dot! 



  1. Did you really loose your hamster, Mia? O.o

    1. Nope! I don't actually have a hamster xD. I used too, but Rosie (that's her name) died. :(

    2. Lol... But it's sad she died. Dx

    3. Yeah Dx. But she died a couple of years ago, but truth be told, i still have her rotting corpse O.O . But they are probably gone now. I think I barried her in my backyard...

    4. Yikes! .-.


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