Hey Guys,
McKenna here. With another crazy post.
Today's post is all about....
Yippee! I am SOO excited about summer. I have more gymnastics time, NO more homework (reading reports = HORRIBLE!) and math...I don't really like math either...Or science. So I am really not a school person. But I did like history when at the end of the year we studied Ancient Greece and there was gymnastics in our studies
. I love gymnastics, as you can tell from all of these blog posts lol. Anyway...This summer I am going to San Francisco and Seattle! Well I hope Seattle... ; D. Uhhh yeah...
Oh, and did I tell you I broke my ankle again??? It is HORRIBLE! Same leg. same bone. Same everything! Well, I still do gymnastics, but I am laying off Beam and Floor Routine and Vault. Basically what I'm saying is all I'm doing in Gymnastics right now is warm ups and Bars. : I. It really is not fun. Two-hundred Skin-da-cats. Not fun. And no, I did NOT say Skin the cat. O.o lol
Sooo... No new meets coming up Gymnastics season is over : ' (. Sad but happy, Happy because they took a lot of training, although I have to train year-round. Well, year-round it isn't as stressful. And...Sad because I'll miss the meets until January again. *sigh*.
I got out of school on June 6th and I must say I was relieved. Although I am sad because all of my friends are either going to different schools or just going up to sixth or seventh or whatever grade. I am really not looking forward to Middle School once the school year starts again. Yeah... I am pretty much someone that is not a huge fan of hard schoolwork. Especially with the "tutor" thing and all. I just try to avoid that conversation where ever I go and whoever I am talking too. If some of you out there know what I mean. Such as Mia. Lol. Hmm... I have nothing else to say. I guess that concludes this post! See you next time! : )
yay!!!!!!!!!!! summer!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D